As you use the instant quoting tools on this page, be sure that you self assess yourself reasonably in terms of your overall health for your age. Compare yourself to peers. If you are interested in term life insurance in particular and may have a spotty driving record, a little overweight for your height, you should assume that will impact your rating as well. The insurance company uses a number of factors to form their overall rating in addition to your age at application.
This is the best way to get a good ballpark quote without our help is to be honest with yourself. Life insurance companies will be assessing you based on perceived risk. There is NO way around that. The less information you provide, the higher risk they will perceive you as.
Most applicants will not obtain Super Preferred rates.
A senior citizen will generally have high blood pressure and/or cholesterol issues, but that is still very good in that age range. Now, if you are 35 a bit overweight and have diabetes, you will not get the best rates. Make an adjustment in the widget for the health class that reflects less than perfect health.
We do strongly recommend you speak to a professional if you have a significant health or high risk situation. Buyers often end up very upset not realizing that the low price company hit them with a large premium upcharge after their application was evaluated.
Keep the following in mind. These quotes are not an offer of insurance. You must apply and qualify for any quoted rates. Your rates may vary based on your overall risk profile to the life insurance company. Not all insurance companies will view you through the same microscope.
Make the call and get a seasoned professional on board to guide you thru is the best advice.