Are you a AAA insurance member? Maybe you just searched Google for AAA group term life insurance reviews and just came across our site? Or…did you receive one of many AAA life insurance offers through the mail?
The most common one we hear about is titled AAA Group Term Life Insurance. Typically it comes with a paper application and some information about the term life insurance offering. Many AAA policy owners are solicited monthly.
Let it be known…we have no affiliation with AAA. We are actually a licensed and independent life insurance agency. This is our AAA term life insurance review based on the information we have gathered about it.
Our credibility? Being independent gives us a unique view on numerous different carriers in the life insurance business. Having no obligations to any one company allows to us objectively compare one life insurance company to the wealth of the top carriers and products in the industry.
AAA Life Insurance History
Known as the American Automobile Association, AAA was founded in 1902 so they are not a newcomer to the insurance business.
AAA is noted primarily for its roadside assistance program.
With a good reputation in place, AAA entered the life insurance business. Today, they have in excess of 1,000,000 life insurance policyholders.
AAA Life Insurance Financial Rating
In 2016, A.M. Best, a very respected financial ratings company issued a A- financial grade to AAA for its financial condition. No worries there. They can pay the bills quite easily.
AAA Term Life Basics
AAA offers a good number of different life insurance products.
Annuities are even included in their portfolio.
As you look at what AAA group term life insurance coverage is all about, do you have a concrete reason why you need this term life product?
Why are you considering this particular offering? Is this the right product for your needs?
Do you need temporary or permanent coverage…term life insurance or whole life insurance protection respectively?
Never buy life insurance based solely on price and/or the brand name. Reputable life insurance professionals know this is a big mistake many consumers make.
The key is, purchasing the right life insurance policy for your needs at a competitive price… sooner than later.
Why sooner than later?
Life insurance gets more expensive the longer you wait to purchase the policy. It is “on sale” the younger you are. Pricing for each carrier will go up the longer you wait to purchase the insurance.
If you are looking at protection for a mortgage or starting a family, term life insurance is usually a winner. With term insurance, you are renting insurance for a defined period when money is needed to protect the beneficiary(s) of the policy from financial harm and/or major change in lifestyle.
However, there are also times when whole life insurance or guaranteed universal life insurance is the better choice.
Do you have a defined period of time (in years) you need coverage?
Now, some folks just put mailer solicitations like this one from AAA in the “circular filer” and are done with it.
There are others who think they might actually need some life insurance protection.
Still, there are inevitably some consumers who have been thinking about life insurance and kept the mailer around to check out.
I suspect that is why you are looking to the internet and on our site today.
It’s good your reading AAA life insurance reviews to find out more about the product than the ad.
Maybe you’re not quite sure about the product itself and you just want the scoop. Is it a good product and/or is the price fair?
While the best option is to discuss the matter directly with a good pro, we’ll get you started here today. As a seasoned independent life insurance agent/broker, I am qualified to compare the AAA Term Life Product with the top life insurance carriers in the industry. I will highlight all the pluses and minuses so you can make your own decision whether this is a winner or loser.
The AAA Group Term Life Insurance Option
If you are in the market for life insurance like the AAA term life insurance policy, please take the time to process the key points here before purchasing any life insurance coverage.
While it it is true that term life insurance is very popular, it is however not the product of choice for a great number of people for various reasons.
Some of the gurus out there will tell you otherwise, but they don’t have to listen to upset insurance consumers who were duped into buying the wrong type of life insurance that didn’t match their needs and expired or got ridiculously expensive as the policy aged.
Don’t take advice from people who don’t have a life insurance license and are not in the business insuring people. Usually the loudest voices are of people who are more “opinion feeders” than life insurance professionals. Good life insurance professionals talk to consumers everyday about life insurance and the options they have to choose from. They listen, evaluate and make recommendations based on their clients goals.
Misinformation about life insurance is rampant. The financial entertainers are all trying to draw attention to themselves spouting off whatever will bring them attention.
Life insurance is not a one size fits all commodity ladies and gentleman.
I encourage you to read on in this review and get the skinny on the AAA life insurance product.
By the end is this article, you may find that the group term product really does not suit your wants and needs.
To get started, we recommend that you acquire a level term life insurance quote by simply using the free, instant quoting tool on this page. You will find all the top life insurance insurance companies rates displayed. Comparing different policy amounts versus your goals and budget is a good starting point.
This will also give you a baseline for evaluating any AAA Term life insurance prices. While there will likely be some big names in your instant quote, there will also likely be some unknowns.
Some quick advice…
The quality and claims paying ability of a life insurance company has absolutely nothing to do with name recognition. I am assuming you understand this as you are researching online for reviews of AAA term life insurance.
Your reviewer here took out his term life insurance with a smaller, quiet kept company several years ago. Price, convertibility and insurer claims paying ability were the most important items for me. I selected to purchase level term life insurance. The product met my needs well and timetable so I bought the coverage. I could care less if it said Transamerica, John Hancock or Prudential on it.
A few years later, that small life insurance company I selected to protect my family was bought by a very large company, Protective Life Insurance Company. Both companies are both rock solid and share excellent reputations. I have no concerns that my beneficiaries will be well taken care of if I pass away unexpectedly.
Level Term Life Insurance has a fixed premium for the length of coverage (The Term). The price never goes up during the term of the policy nor do the benefits go down.
The quick quote tool on this page will give you all the top term insurance carriers and their rates. The catch…you need 1 minute of your time. If you have not, be sure to follow thru so you find out how affordable top notch, level term life insurance really is.
In our AAA insurance review, we will include a summary of benefits so you know what you are and are not getting. In this specific review we are exclusively referring to the AAA Exclusive Members Only Group Term Life Insurance coverage.
The Pros of AAA Group Term Life
- First of all, it is easy to apply for. We all like that don’t we!! AAA includes an application and even a postage paid envelope to return if interested
- No Medical Exam required. Simplified Issue
- There are only 3 Health Questions you must pass
- Approvals can be delivered quickly
- If you have a surviving spouse that is a AAA member, upon your passing, they will receive a lifetime standard AAA membership
The Cons of AAA Group Term Life
- Premiums increase every 5 years regardless of health. Top life insurance companies lock term life insurance rates from 10 to even 30 years. This is major!!
- The AAA “Exclusive Members Only Group Term Life Insurance” expires at age 80. That is when people need the coverage the most. Many seniors have poor health at this point and can no longer qualify for affordable life insurance. Top life insurers offer coverage with guaranteed level premiums to ages 90, 100 and even 121!!
- Death Benefit is low for term insurance. The AAA Exclusive Members Only Group Term Life Insurance only offers a $50,000, $100,000, $200,000 and $300,000. These are the only 4 “face amounts”/death benefit amounts) available in the coverage. Leading life insurance carriers can and will dial in specifically how much life insurance you really need to match your needs and budget. Many people are under insured with policies of these amounts.
- The premiums or cost of ownership is more expensive than a true, medically underwritten life insurance policy from the top life insurance carriers. Remember, premiums do increase every 5 years on the AAA product which results in massive overpaying for term life insurance. A 40 year old male in excellent health could have $100,000 of 10 year level term insurance from a top life insurer with NO rate increases for $9/mo while AAA would charge $18/mo for the first 5 years. Over the years, this could translate into big money and being overcharged for life insurance coverage.
Term life insurance should not be used for end of life expenses, final expense or burial insurance, ever! We take weekly calls from former policy owners of AARP (New York Life Issued), Globe Life and various other companies who became very dissatisfied with their purchase. They simply do not understand the true cost and limitations built into policies like the AAA Group Term Insurance product.
Term life insurance policies are not all apples to apples.
AAA Life Insurance Rates
Since most people already have the AAA Group Term life insurance rates from their mailer, I will not include those in the post. Most people who are reading AAA life insurance reviews are searching for validation the policy is a good choice before purchasing the protection.
As a business, we do not like term insurance products that increase in cost every 5 years. Cost of policy ownership just keeps going up and up and up until the policy expires.
Ultimately, you end up paying considerably more money over that time. Level benefit life insurance is a much better answer for those people who want term life insurance.
One exception…
You need it for a very short period that is defined. Maybe 5 years or so.
Most of the people who we speak with and have owned any life insurance with rate increases are typically upset. They choose to replace it with level term life insurance or another form of permanent life insurance.
Who wants to be overcharged or have the wrong type of life insurance, right?
Have you used the instant quoting tool on this page to find our who the top term life insurance carriers and rates are? Whether you have read a few life insurance reviews of AAA group term life or not make sure you get an instant quote on the best level term life insurance policies with our tool on this page.
AAA Group Term Insurance Benefit Summary
Guarantees in the Coverage:
- Guaranteed Renewable
With the stipulation that you pay the appropriate premium and the master group policy stays in force, you cannot be cancelled once you are insured. You cannot be singled out and cancelled regardless of your future health. Your rates cannot be altered due to your health either. This coverage can be kept till age 80 when it expires.
- Guaranteed Level Benefits
The death benefit you choose at application time will never decrease regardless of your health or age till it expires at age 80
- Guaranteed Spousal Eligibility
Your spouse is able to apply even if they are not a AAA member as long as they are between age 18-74. This includes a broad definition of spouse as registered domestic partner, civil union, domestic partnership etc. As long as state law recognizes the relationship as such.
- Guaranteed Payout For a Covered Claim
Your beneficiary(s) will get the death benefit selected during application. There is no waiting period or partial payments of the death benefit.
Two frequently overlooked benefits when purchasing life insurance coverage to consider…
Living Benefits
The AAA Group Term Life Insurance allows you to obtain partial benefits while you are still alive. This is made possible by the Accelerated Death Benefit built in the master policy that covers the insured if they are ever diagnosed with a terminal illness and have 12 months or less to live. You can obtain up to half of the death benefit to help out with your expenses.
Conversion Privilege
Anytime before you turn 65, you may desire to convert your AAA Exclusive Members Only Group Term Life Insurance into a whole life insurance policy from AAA. As long as you convert prior to age 65, this is also guaranteed regardless of your health.
Never buy any term life insurance policy that does not contain this option!
Big mistake. Life Happens and we all need options as term life policy owners.
Why You Should Seriously Consider an Independent Life Insurance Agency vs. AAA
- Work with a independent life insurance agent/broker as they do not have a loyalty to a particular insurance company. AAA is one insurance company best known for automobile insurance.
- Independent life insurance agencies do not market homeowners and auto insurance to their policyholders. Life Insurance is their business.
- You save money. They shop the life insurance market to get you at the lowest cost for your personal life insurance needs. This is a done with the finest life insurers in the industry.
- Reputable independents are hassle free, no pressure consultants. They want your experience with them to be positive. No arm twisting.
- Fast Online Application for the quickest approval available.
- Friendly, painless and helpful services. Help with determining the type of life insurance you need before buying coverage. Independent life insurance agents offer free advice and tips to help you achieve the best possible price.
- If they are like this office, they handle even the toughest, hard to insure cases that AAA will not touch. Many companies, agents or agencies will tell you can’t qualify. If you have a health condition and need life insurance, our team is unsurpassed at securing affordable rates even in high risk life insurance cases.
- Life Insurance is not a one size fits all product. There are many factors to look at before a proper product and insurer should be selected.
- A good independent agent/broker will save you lots of time and hassles. They shop the market for the coverage you need and the best offer. Having someone working for you can pinpoint the right insurance company and policy for you. A quotation from all the top insurance carriers personalized for you based on your age and risk profile.
Concluding This Group AAA Term Life Insurance Review
AAA has a fine reputation and over 1,000,000 members under its prodigious umbrella. It has a limited number of complaints from from disgruntled policy owners which says a great deal of positive about the company as a whole.
In this AAA life insurance review, we noticed that customer service seems to be good. This is a real thumbs up.
However, it does not mean this particular product is better or ideal for most people.
It is hard to evaluate the satisfaction AAA members may or may not have with the AAA Term Life Insurance.
AAA life insurance for members is not a special product. We see this type of term life insurance sold to people who assume it is a benefit of membership. It is not a good term policy in our book.
Again, why you have considered life insurance with AAA? What are your alternatives to this product? Have you spoken to a independent life insurance professional yet? What or whom are you try to financially protect? Why did you search for AAA group term life insurance reviews? Ask yourself a few questions before you consider buying any life insurance.
AAA is one insurance company out of near 6000 insurance companies in the United States.
With the high cost off this AAA of the group term life… for what is really a 5 year term policy automatically renewing at a higher cost each time…you should be looking elsewhere for coverage in the humble opinion of this writer.
No, I do not like 5 year increasing premium term policies from any company. These life insurance policies are the most complained about… for multiple reasons. As a company, we will not write this kind of business.
The average life insurance consumer drops it as soon as the rate jumps to a point of frustration. Now then protection is gone.
As people age, the risk of the death rises. That is when life insurance is most important isn’t it?
Why not have the right life insurance policy from the insurance carrier that is best for you from the start?
What did you see on the instant quote tool on this page?
Lots of options, right?
If AAA term life insurance is really of interest to you, I would recommend you read about guaranteed level term life insurance before going any further in your decision process. This eliminates a lot disappointment from rate increases down the road. Lock your premiums at a fixed price.
Most people need a longer coverage term than 5 years. Do you want your premiums to keep rising every 5 years regardless of your health? If your health changes during policy coverage, you will be stuck in a policy going bonkers in cost unless you drop it or convert to a more costly, whole life insurance policy.
Policies with limited health questions like this are generally for people with significant health conditions. They have their place, but are not priced as affordably as no exam, level premium term life insurance with a few more health questions.
As a result of little medical information, the coverage is higher risk to AAA, so the program naturally becomes more expensive to offer to consumers. They simply can’t get to know you as a “risk” that they need to assess. Do you want to pay extra to have the name AAA on your policy?
There are similar industry offerings marketed by the likes of Globe Life and AARP as well. We hear the same complaints from plenty of disappointed to seriously angry people who found out the hard way when their rates got very expensive or the policy expired. It wasn’t the “deal” they expected and are very upset about it. Even worse are the loved ones who ended up with an expired policy they found in their family member drawer, completely worthless.
There is a reason top notch life insurance agents/brokers do not market products like these ladies and gentlemen.
People drop them when the premium jumps up 5, 10, 15 years down the road. Therefore, they are very profitable for the insurance company.
An experienced, independent life insurance agent/broker recognizes the likelihood of a very disappointed client or family with a policy like the AAA Group Term Life Insurance.
The key point to remember here today…make sure you have the right kind of policy for your needs from the get go. Apples are not apples, even if it says “Term Life Insurance” on the brochure.
Affordability now and in the future is important, right? You don’t buy life insurance just to later drop it. You buy it to protect the financial needs of the people you love and/or cover other financial obligations.
So, once you know you need life insurance, ask yourself these questions:
- What type of life insurance do I really need?
- How long is the coverage requirement if it is term insurance?
- How much coverage is needed?
- Which company is going to give me the best deal (based on my health and needs)
- What is the financial rating (AM Best) of that carrier?
From the practicality point, cost and limits the coverage offers, I cannot give a good recommendation to the AAA term product regardless of the service quality of the AAA Life Insurance company.
Service is important, but a good agent/broker should be providing that support anyway. That is where service starts and often ends. That is a part of their job.
If you want to see a review of the type of company to consider for very affordable, level term life insurance check out Banner Life Insurance Company.
With the AAA life insurance products, we are talking about potentially thousands of dollars in excessive premiums paid on even a small term life policy. These types of policies are big money makers for the insurance company.
This is not a problem with AAA life insurance as a company, but a problem with the type of policy.
My 2 cents, for what it is worth…find a good independent life insurance agent that is open minded and thinks out of the box.
You’ll come out way ahead and have top notch service from him or her and likely better life insurance coverage at a lower cost.
This serves you in spades for years to come.
AAA is a very respectable insurance company.
Their service is good.
However, in the life insurance world and from a life insurance review of this AAA product, it is not a very good value. As such, it is just hard to give a thumbs up.
As an independent life insurance agent myself, I still receive life insurance offers from a few different companies including my credit union.
Must admit…I’m amused to look at them, but I know the limitations and weakness of the coverage.
As you can imagine…they land in the circular filer soon after. I suggest you do the same and talk to a professional instead.
What do you have to lose?
Heck you don’t even have to leave your home or office to buy life from the top companies in the business. Everyday we have people taking out coverage right over the phone and/or their computer. Doesn’t get much easier than that.
The key point to remember about working with an independent professional…
Your coverage needs can easily be addressed and you will get the best possible product to match.
You will have access to better rates, services and coverage than typically found on tv or thru the mail.
Hope this article from our AAA Life Insurance reviews helps you reach a good decision.
Feel free to let us know what you think by commenting below. Call us if you would like to discuss your personal situation. We’re here to help. (269) 230-3464

Special Risk Life is a veteran independent life insurance agency that specializes in guiding people with even the toughest health conditions thru the life insurance process. We are very passionate about helping people get the financial protection they want while delivering affordable coverage people can absolutely count on.